Marketing board

Plan and organize marketing campaigns with this Trello board template

Marketing board Trello template

A good marketing workflow should make planning campaigns simple and efficient. Trello makes it possible to coordinate multiple marketing to-dos in one single dashboard, whether you’re looking to brainstorm content, schedule social media posts, launch new products… or all of the above! 

Creating a systematic and process-driven approach is key. Think about each stage of your marketing workflow and create a Trello list for each, or copy our quick-start template below. Here’s an example list structure:

💡 Ideas: Brainstorm ideas here. Move cards into your workflow once you’re ready to get going.

👉 Up Next: Plan and schedule your content. Add due dates and use Trello Calendar view to help you visualize deadlines. 

⚙️ In Progress: Coordinate with your team on content creation, editing and production. 

🧐 Review: Get sign off on projects from team members or clients. 

🟢 Live: Keep an eye on on-going projects. 

🎉 Done: Everyone’s favorite list in Trello!

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