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Boost your Trello workflow with Loom video

Atlassian has acquired screen capture tool Loom! We take a look at different ways you can use Loom to include video messaging in your Trello workflow and improve your team’s email communication and async collaboration.

Trello’s parent company, Atlassian, has recently acquired Loom, a video messaging tool that helps people make and share screen recordings.

Video communication is ideal for collaborative asynchronous (async) work, so it’s likely that Loom will fit really well within the Trello ecosystem! Plus, if you are using Email for Trello to manage your inbox, it’s also a great time saver (think sending video responses to emails, instead of typing out long replies!).

Loom is currently a standalone product, but Atlassian has plans to integrate it into their suite once the acquisition is complete. As such, the previous Loom button within the Trello interface has been removed.

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In the meantime though, you can still get the benefit of video for your workflow! Let’s take a look at our top 3 reasons to try Loom in Trello.

3 reasons to use Loom in Trello

1. Improve async collaboration

Lots of teams manage different schedules or work across time zones where meeting face-to-face is not always possible or practical. In these cases, Loom can be a useful tool to support better async collaboration, making it easier for your team to get (and stay!) on the same page. For example:

  • Hand over between shifts. If you’re running an email help desk in Trello, Loom is a great way to hand over to the next person on shift. The team member that’s clocking off can record their Trello screen to give a quick, visual overview of what’s in progress – and draw attention to any urgent items that need to be addressed.

  • Welcome new employees. For teams that manage HR and recruitment in Trello, it’s a good idea record a few Loom videos to include in your Trello onboarding journey. It’s a personal touch for new hires, and can also be an opportunity to show them the ropes with a video that they can always refer back to later.

  • Keep a video library of standard practices. Record a few instruction videos on Loom for standard company practices like how to escalate an urgent help ticket or how to set up the weekly newsletter. You only need to do it once and then your team always knows where to look if they need a refresher.

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2. Speed up your feedback processes

Giving and receiving feedback is an integral part of any collaborative process! Loom video can streamline your team’s feedback loops in several ways:

  • Video is a visual medium, which makes it a natural fit for feedback on things like product design, web development, or layouts for marketing material.

  • Recording feedback is an intuitive way of working that’s about showing, not just telling. A Loom demo makes it possible to show exactly what you’re referring to on your screen, which is great for highly technical or visual work.

  • It’s just faster to speak than to type! Video messaging takes the work out of writing out long-winded responses.

  • Video also reduces miscommunication and follow-up questions because team members can rewatch sections as needed to make sure they fully understand the feedback.

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3. Send tailored video to clients

Loom video is not just about managing your internal collaborative processes. It also offers new opportunities to connect with clients in a more powerful, personal way! Here are just a few ideas for enhancing your external comms with Loom video messaging:

  • Send custom updates. If you can’t find a convenient meeting time between two busy calendars, just record an update for your client. It’s tailored to the client and instantly shareable – no call required!

  • Save time with standardized demos. Keep an archive of product demos that your team often use so that you don’t need to keep giving the same demo over and over again! Perfect for sales teams to include in prospecting or follow-up emails.

  • Ask clients to Loom! Sending Looms is handy – but why not receive them too? If you need a customer to screenshare, you can ask them to record a Loom video (there’s a free plan for infrequent users), then put it on your Trello card so that the whole team stays in the loop.

Work smarter in Trello with Loom

Unleash the potential of Trello with video! Use Loom to enhance your team collaboration, feedback processes and client interactions in Trello.